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Showing posts from November, 2016

PES 2017. Facepack vol.3 by Bruno Wygno

PES 2017. Facepack vol.3 by Bruno Wygno DOWNLOAD List Face Player : Cuco Martina Neymar Luke Shaw Matip

PES 2017. Facepack Iran by H.Ashkani

PES 2017. Facepack Iran by H.Ashkani DOWNLOAD

PES2017. Startscreen & Graphic Menu Liverpool by jet'da

PES2017.  Startscreen & Graphic Menu Liverpool by jet'da  DOWNLOAD

PES 2017 Cute Graphic Menu by Chaiwat

PES 2017 Cute Graphic Menu by Chaiwat DOWNLOAD

PES 2017 Facepack November (week 3) by Andrey_Pol & GONDURAS2012

PES 2017 Facepack November (week 3) by Andrey_Pol & GONDURAS2012 Aramu (Torino) DOWNLOAD G. Fernandez (Elche) DOWNLOAD J. Obita (Reading) DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD Player Face : Ikone C. Fernandez Erick Torres I. Hayden J. Kodjia M. Shved Pol Lirola B. Verbic Ikaunieks A. Nouri R. Sessegnon T. Lees

PES2017. Face Pack Vol:1 by Hawke

PES2017. Face Pack Vol:1 by Hawke DOWNLOAD

PES2017. Facepack Sudamericano V1 by Luis Facemaker

PES2017.  Facepack Sudamericano V1 by Luis Facemaker DOWNLOAD Faces Player : Gabriel Mercado Ramiro Funes Mori Nahuel Guzmán Éder Álvarez Balanta Wílmar Barrios Frank Fabra Jaime Ayoví Néstor Ortigoza Miguel Almirón Óscar Romero Gustavo Gómez Mathías Corujo

PES2017. English Commentary Update V5 (20-11-16) by predator002

PES2017. English Commentary Update V5 (20-11-16) by predator002 DOWNLOAD Update V5 : Part1 , Part2 , Part3 DOWNLOAD BASE           : Part1 , Part2 , Part3 , Part4 , Part5 Hi, I thought I would try and improve the English commentary by increasing the number of team/player callnames in the game (whilst leaving all original Konami callnames intact). This should help players and patch makers alike as time doesn't need to be wasted relinking teams to city names. I've always hated Manchester City being called Manchester. Usage: - All new additions are integrated into edit mode and available to assign to any player or unlicensed team. - All new player additions are assigned to their player ID. This means that new additions will automatically assign to the correct player. - All new team additions are assigned to their team ID. This means if a team is licensed, the call name will automatically be used (providing the team has the correct team ID). Features: - New Pla...

PES2017. Facepack V3 by MO HA

DOWNLOAD List Face : Timothy Fosu-Mensah André Gomes Keylor Navas Bartosz Kapustka Marko Grujic Carl Jenkinson Andreas Pereira Leandro Paredes Loris Karius Paco Alcácer

PES 2017. Trophy PES 2017 (Spain) by Ronito

PES 2017. Trophy PES 2017 (Spain) by Ronito  Trophy La Liga   DOWNLOAD  Trophy Supercoppa de Espana  DOWNLOAD

PES 2017. Best and Most Complete Bootpack by Ali ZIKZAK

PES 2017.  Best and Most Complete Bootpack by Ali ZIKZAK DOWNLOAD Many Thanks To : Wens and KONAMI

PES2017. Tatoopack 45 (beta2version) by kimizan

PES2017.  Tatoopack 45 (beta2version) by kimizan Setelah kemarin ane dapat   Fix Blink-Blink by Fathurrohman Alief ane coba gabungin n ane tambah sedikit Tatoo.... setelah ane coba beberapa bug nya (seperti yang kemarin ane bilang) : - pemain wajib pakai lengan pendek (bisa setting sendiri di apperance) - Skinnya belum menyatu (ada beda warna kulit ), pakai tapping supaya nga terlalu terlihat - Untuk pemain yang facenya default KONAMI, jangan di pasang face dari facemaker... ane share ini hanya iseng2 sambil menunggu marceu share tatoo pes 2017 Ni Reviewnya : DOWNLOAD Pass : dua Cara Pasang : Hapus Tatoo n Fix yang kemarin,... copy tatonew.cpk ke folder download PES2017, generate...enjoy.. PERHATIAN : JIKA TATO MENGGANGGU PERMAINAN ATAU BIKIN KACAU PES 2017 HARAP DI HAPUS, KARENA ANE TIDAK BERTANGGUNG JAWAB DENGAN AKIBAT YANG TERJADI KARENA MEMAKAI TATOPACK INI Credit : Pribowo Subekti aka b4byhuey Danny Ardiyansyah  Sameh Momen Fathurrohman Alief Hawke Rob Kens...

PES 2017 Peru Facepack by Marcelo Facemaker

PES 2017 Peru Facepack by Marcelo Facemaker DOWNLOAD

PES 2017 Press Room Sponsors by Ali A. Ali

PES 2017 Press Room Sponsors by Ali A. Ali DOWNLOAD Review :

PES2017. NEXTGEN PITCH RETURNS PRO PES2017 by DonyAvia (plus fix)

PES2017.  NEXTGEN PITCH RETURNS PRO PES2017 by DonyAvia (plus fix) Fitur :  - 3Dpitch Automatic Change Model Condition Summer & WInter   - Real FOG Atmosfer Stadium  - New Pattern Pitch Day & Night  - Color Pitch (Likes LastNGPPS4 Final)  - New Material Light and Effect - Animated LED Adboard PES2017 & FIFA17 with Sponsor  - Afternoon Mode beta on Anfield & Emirates  - Light Effect Menu & Edit by Yogi's (likes PS4)  - Bug FIX Line Pitch - Low Mode ( Coming Soon)  - and any more  Thanks to : ALLAH SWT Credits :  KONAMI , Dony Avia , Estarlen Silva,  l4veez1, Fruits, Ary Ahmad Januar, Yogi's, Kent Sakai, Jenkey, Tools :  Adobe Photoshop CC, CRI Packed Flash Maker File, Pes Explorer Tutor Install :  -Extract file -Copy NGPRpro to Folder download -Open Dpfilegenerator -And Generate NGPRpro under Repack Stadium + Exterior Stadium LINK :   Fix san paulo, old trafford,...

PES 2017. EPL New Scoreboard 2016-2017

PES 2017.  EPL New Scoreboard 2016-2017 DOWNLOAD Credits/Thanks to : Txak (for Base Scoreboard adapted) El Shaarawy (for Scoreboard Premier League 2017) yxussef (for Referee Kits Premier League 2017) Roberto Gomes (For Repack Scoreboard)

PES2017. MLS and J1 League by RTPES For PTE Patch 2017 v2.1

MLS and J1 League by RTPES For PTE Patch 2017 v2.1 RTPES team has created a new patch for PTE Patch 2.1 patch adding these Major League Soccer and remember is that the patch is compatible with Update 1.02.00 and Data Patch 2.00 DOWNLOAD Credits: Konami, PES Logos, RJPR, zlac, Jenkey, Fruits, -InMortal-, cRoNoSHaCk, Maritimo,  4N63L, ZAHIN, GgBlues, sortitoutsi (managers mini faces), davfanpes, Sarjono, supalids,  sxsxsx, Dannythebest, Hawke, Wygno, maxi534, A.Mussoullini, Sameh Momen, Txak,  majuh, DrDoooMuk, klashman69, Tasci, mckagan22, PantelG7, Bono Facemaker, AM,  MarioMilan, HD3011, everest, rednik, Steet facemaker, kairzhanov, Tunizizou, vangelis agiga, znovik, 

PES2017. Facepack Ultimate By Autentiko

Facepack Ultimate By Autentiko DOWNLOAD Pasword: AutentikoFaces Share this publication to continue as Facemaker :D Note: Corona collab Kairzhanov - Santon collab Tunizizou

PES2017. MiniFacepack Vol.1 By Steet Facemaker

PES2017. MiniFacepack Vol.1 By Steet Facemaker DOWNLOAD

PES 2017. PES Professionals Patch V1 AIO

 PES 2017.  PES Professionals Patch V1 AIO Features : Compatible with Data pack 1 & Version 1.02 Compatible with pirated game and original game Summer transfers 2017 Bundesliga Full 2017 Correct (Names,kits,logos) For All leagues and teams Real kits and players names for all national teams Correct classic teams names and faces New Sradium Pack '41 Real coaches names and pictures for all teams Real thumbnails for all bundesliga players Selector with exclusive features        DOWNLOAD Cara Install : Run Data Pack Installer from “PES Professionals Patch 2017 V1.exe”  Select Your PES 2017 Directory They necessary to complete install.. Run “PES Professionals Patch V1 Fix Install.exe”. Open Your PES 2017 Directory and open “PES Professionals Patch Selector 2017.exe” Click “Offline Mode” and Enjoy! cek image : Credits : Shrief Elafify, Elmodamer, Shieka, Sameh Momen, Pantel G7, Mohamed Alahlawy, Estarlen Silva, Hawke, Txak, Tunizizou, JesusHrs, Nemanja, T...

PES2017. 35 Tatoopack mod(beta version) by kimizan

PES2017. 35 Tatoopack mod(beta version) by kimizan Akhirnya ane setelah lama mikir akhirnya ane bikin repack 35 Tatoopack (coba dulu kalau responnya positif ane lanjut), n dengan di ajarkan oleh om Pribowo Subekti aka b4byhuey ane coba share....  DOWNLOAD PASSWORD : b4byhueygilapes List Player : ada didalam tatopack setelah ane coba beberapa bugnya (seperti yang kemarin ane bilang) : - pemain wajib pakai lengan pendek (bisa setting sendiri di apperance) - tatoonya kadang muncul kadang hilang - Skinnya belum menyatu (ada beda warna kulit ), pakai tapping supaya nga terlalu terlihat Mudah2an dengan ane share yang bisa menambahkan bugnya dan jujur ane nga bisa perbaiki (kecuali ada yang ngajarin), anggap aza iseng2 berhadiah sambil menunggu Marceu keluarin Tatopack 25. New : Fix Blink-Blink by Fathurrohman Alief DOWNLOAD : taruh di bawah tatoo.cpk generate.... Pass : savemodder_notreupload Revie...

PES2017. Nostalgia Startscreen PES2017 by kimizan

Nostalgia Startscreen PES2017 by kimizan di forum dan Di grup FB lagi ramai-ramainya bikin SS, ane juga mau bikin.... nah ini dia hasilnya n ss winning adalah winning yang terbaik menurut ane...... DOWNLOAD cara pasang : ambil salah satu SS.cpk copy paste ke folder download PES 2017, check n taruh di paling bawah, generate........done, see n play.. Credit : Mbah Google   Winning Eleven History   DOWNLOAD  Fantastista Italia   DOWNLOAD Batigol  DOWNLOAD US women's soccer DOWNLOAD

PES2017. Wylan Cyprien (OGC Nice) by Kruptsev

PES2017.  Wylan Cyprien (OGC Nice)  by Kruptsev  DOWNLOAD

PES2017. StartscreenPack Liverpool by Sayyid Hawazin

PES2017. StartscreenPack Liverpool by Sayyid Hawazin DOWNLOAD